Dear God,
Thanks for giving me a daddy. You knew just what I’d need! In case you need to make daddies for other kids, I thought you might like to know what I like best about the one you sent me:
A good dad …
- knows everything (like how to tie shoes and drive a car)
- is really smart (he even knows where the wind goes after it blows through the trees)
- has a forgiving heart (for when I mess up)
- is loaded with patience, patience, patience (he probably won’t need it, but just in case…)
- has a comfy lap and a big laugh (you understand about that, don’t you?)
- tells me all about you and your son.
Your friend,
A Kid
P.S. I almost left out the best part! A good dad has real strong arms (to catch me when I fall. He says you’re just like that, too).
"What Makes a Good Dad?", Max Lucado
... to all those great Dad's out there!