With the release of the 2011-2012 Idea Book & Catalogue we get five new colours added to the standard colour palette. These exciting new colours are called the In Colours.

  • Click HERE to read more about the In Color collection

One of the new In Colors is Calypso Coral - a gorgeous peach-pink colour. Let's compare this new colour with similar colours from our current collections...

Pumpkin Pie, Tangerine Tango, Calypso Coral, Regal Rose

Left to right: Pumpkin Pie, Tangerine Tango, Calypso Coral, Regal Rose.

Calyspo Coral (third from the left) is very close in colour to Tangerine Tango (second from the left), but where Tangerine Tango is a very dark strong orange, Calypso Coral has a hint of pinkiness to it. (Is "pinkiness" a word?)

I have been asked if Calypso Coral is the same as Cameo Coral (which was retired in the 2010 Colour Renovation). No they are not the same, here's a comparison...

Cameo Coral, Calypso Coral

Left to right: Cameo Coral, Calypso Coral.

Calypso Coral (right) is a pinky-orange colour but, as you can see, Cameo Coral (left) is very pink.

These little purse gift bags were designed by Tia Routledge (Crafters Anonymous) and are the thank you gifts I am giving to my hostesses this month (with a couple of choccies inside!). Isn't Calypso Coral is stunning when paired with black...

Calypso Coral Gift Purse

Card/Paper: Calypso Coral (124392), Basic Black (121988). Accessories: Basic Black 1/4" Grosgrain Ribbon (109027), Antique Brads (117273), Antique Brass Jumbo Brads (retired). Tools: Big Shot (113439), Vintage Wallpaper Textured Impressions Embossing Folder (120175), 1" Circle Punch (119868).

Calypso Coral is very pretty and unlike any other colour in our standard colour collections. I look forward to using it more!