I've finally had the chance to sort through everything from the Hamilton Extravaganza, which was held last weekend, and to take photos of the gorgeous projects we taught on the day. To start, I want to share what I created for my guests...

Guest Gifts - Decorated Mini Egg Cartons with Lindt Chocolates inside!

Guest Gifts - Decorated Mini Egg Cartons with Lindt Chocolates inside!

It's a Mini Egg Carton coloured with So Saffron ink, and finished with the Cupcakes & Carousels Designer Series Paper and coordinating Carousel Birthday stamps. This was filled with my favourite Lindt Chocolates - yum! Here they are, laid out on the tables and the hall all set out, ready for our guests to arrive. It's the calm before the storm!

Hamilton Extravaganza

Some of the display boards for people to drool over...

Hamilton Extravaganza Display Boards

The prize draw gifts (donated by the demonstrators who taught at the Extravaganza), which were given out throughout the day...

Hamilton Extravaganza Prize Draw Gifts

And some photos from during the day, kindly taken by Kay (our very able helper for the event)...

Hamilton Extravaganza

Hamilton Extravaganza

Hamilton Extravaganza

Hamilton Extravaganza

Hamilton Extravaganza

And here's the five projects our guests created at the Hamilton Extravaganza...

In this first project, Christine and Sarah paired the Nailed It Bundle and the Woodgrain embossing folder to create this wonderful, masculine Tool Box Card...

Nailed It Tool Box Card

Ruth and Alicia used one of my favourites, the Cupcakes & Carousels Product Suite, to decorate a Window Box, but with a difference! They taught everyone how to extend the standard-sized gift box...

Carousel Birthday Extended Window Box

Jacque and Andrea used the Beautiful You stamp set, Succulent Garden Designer Series Paper and Watercolor Pencils to teach this gorgeous card...

Beautiful You Water-Coloured Card

Irene and Rayleen used the Dragonfly Dreams bundle to create this lovely tent-fold card...

Dragonfly Dreams Tent-Fold Card

And the final project was taught by Ella and myself. We used the Party Animal Product Suite to create a fun, birthday-balloon shaker card...

Balloon Adventures Shaker Card

Everyone had a wonderful day, our guests loved the projects and the teachers enjoyed sharing and inspiring. The next Hamilton Extravaganza is at the end of July, which will feature products from the new, yet-to-be-released 2017-2018 Annual Catalogue. If you want to know when registrations open, then sign up for my email updates. Just fill in your details at the top right of this page.