At the Stampin' Up! convention earlier this year, the demonstrators that attended made a card similar to this as one of their make-and-takes...

"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."

(Matthew 2:2 NIV)

During November I made angels for a Christmas decorations swap on Crafters Anonymous. How it works is that you hand-make ten Christmas ornaments (with any medium), keep one for yourself and send the other nine to the rest of the swap group. Here's my beaded angels for the swap...

While I finish off my Christmas wrapping, I thought I would share with you a Christmas card that was inspired by a swap I received from Ann Wills last year...

I haven't put much up here this month as I have been very busy making Christmas cards and gifts. I tell myself every year to get them done early, but I never do!

The Summer Mini Catalogue is here...

On Saturday we went to a brunch to celebrate a friend's 21st birthday. She has a gorgeous one-year old boy, so it was a lovely morning with loads of kids around! We bought her an inspirational desktop calendar as a gift. It was so inspirational, the cover inspired the card I made for her...

Punches have come a long way from simple circles and squares. New manufacturing technologies make it possible to produce punches with detailed, intricate designs and more options than just a single image. The triple layer punches are a perfect example. These punches let you create three different punch images with one punch - it's like getting three punches for the price of one!